Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New Year's resolutions

Okay, it's that time of the year again.  You know what I am talking about.

Last year was a total bust for me.  I am not even sure I kept many of my fitness resolutions, if any.  Alas, the only way to amend this is to be realistic with my goals.  I guess that means throwing pledges about 5K runs and am workouts out the door.

So to cut to the point, here are my 5 New Year's fitness resolutions for 2012:

5.) Track my progress: Whether it is what I ate for the day or how many hours I exercised for the week, I need to keep myself on track and most importantly, hold myself accountable.  I will be using Excel spreadsheets for this. 

4.) Blog more: Duh!

3.) Maintain healthier habits:  I am basically grouping sleeping, drinking more water and taking vitamins daily into this one.  I too often allow myself to get dehydrated and I need to aim for an average of 7-8 hours of sleep a night.  Oh, and a consistent sleep schedule would be nice as well. 

2.) Maintain a minimum of 30 days for a rotation...but never exceed 90 days:  Consistency is the key for results, but the body craves change as well.  This gives me the opportunity to use many of my workouts frequently,  but leaves room if I want to follow a 90-day system.  I have yet to decide on my first rotation of the year (I want to do Jillian, but Tracy keeps calling my name...maybe a combo?), but I should know by the end of the week.  I am thinking there will be plenty of hybrids...

2.1) ...speaking of hybrids, I will vow never to mix more than three workout systems/instructors:  I figure this will help with keeping things organized and clear.  Using the same thing over and over again will definitely bore me, but trying to do a rotation that mixes and matches more than 3 types of workouts would blow my mind...and not in a good way.  My motto will be mix it up, but keep it simple.

1.) Portion control:  In the past, I would usually pledge a resolution that pertained more to exercise, but you cannot expand your fitness goals without a proper diet.  I'd like to add clean eating into this mix, but what always gets me off track is not controlling my portion sizes.  I'd also like to be able give myself breathing room to enjoy the occasional bread and cheese or gelato.  Some people like to eat clean all the time and find time once a week to splurge, but I am finding I'd rather enjoy good food in small portions on a more consistent basis while still eating a balanced diet.  Life's too short to not be enjoying chocolate a few times a week.  

I will be back later this weekend to announce my first rotation.   I'd love to hear some of your resolutions in the meantime!

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