After embarrassingly admitting earlier this week that I cannot stay committed to a rotation, I have another one to confess: I am not interested in doing exercise videos. Blasphemous, I know!
Before I lose credibility, I do want to say that while I have had a fun time in the past collecting exercise DVDs, equipment, 90-day systems, etc, I'm just going through a phase where I want to workout at my own pace. This feels like a life altering moment, but let me further explain.
Yesterday, I mentioned wanting to concentrate solely on circuit training. When I mean circuit training, I meant creating my own circuits. I mentioned doing this during my break over the holidays. Well, I have been enjoying this haphazardly, do-it-my-self, go-at-my-own-pace freedom just a little too much. I'm not giving up video fitness forever--more like a hiatus--but this seems to be the beginning of a new stage in the fitness aspect of my everyday life: fitness independence. No classes, no trainer, no instructional videos--just me!
I've been using the format of JNL Fusion to set up most of my circuits: a 30-second strength interval, followed by a 30-second cardio interval, with a total of 3 rounds per circuit. I've also dabbled a little bit with the format of the Weider X-Factor ST program: 30-second interval, followed by a 45-second interval and then completed with a 90-second interval. I did, however, make some adjustments with this one, opting to split the 90-second interval into a 60-second interval and a 30-second cardio interval. To make sense of this, here is what a circuit from each format would look like:
JNL-style circuit:
Strength - Tricep dips (30 seconds)
Cardio - Butt kicks (30 seconds)
repeat for a total of 3 rounds
Weider-style Circuit:
Strength - Crunches (30 seconds)
Strength - Bicep curls (45 seconds)
Strength - Alternating forward lunges (60 seconds)
Cardio - Tuck jumps (30 seconds)
repeat rounds as many times as desired (I usually perform this circuit from anywhere to 2-3 rounds)
I allow for 5-second rest periods in between intervals and rounds to give me enough time to get ready for the next move, but the short break period allows me to keep my heart rate up and my muscles to fatigue faster. For the JNL-style circuit, if I want to up the challenge, I increase the strength portion to 60 seconds per interval. For my interval timer, I use to the Seconds Pro Interval Timer on my iPad. Side note: I generally hate paying for apps, but this one has so many great features and modes, I say it is worth it the $5.
I plan to break down both of these formats in another post, but I'll sum up why I have opted to go this route. First off, it's fun; routines change all the time and there is no dread factor from repeating the same routine. I often peruse youtube and body rock (and similar sites) for ideas and for innovative moves I haven't tried before. Second, my heart rate is through the roof and I am burning calories like crazy! Third, it is challenging, constantly leaving my muscles guessing and with so many variations of strength moves (weighted and body weight) and cardio blasts at varying levels of intensity, I can never truly outgrow the workouts.
I think my other reasoning for doing this is that I am underwhelmed with the video fitness market as of late. There are no new workouts that have caught my eye--well, I am eying those new Toniques and the new Atleticas don't look shabby either, but I think I can hold off on not purchasing those for awhile. This is odd coming from a person use to buy new workouts faster than she would change her underwear--I'm hygienic, before you get any funny ideas!--but now I just want to take the minimalist approach. Of course, how long will this minimalist approach last...?
Enjoy the upcoming weekend! Cheers!
Before I lose credibility, I do want to say that while I have had a fun time in the past collecting exercise DVDs, equipment, 90-day systems, etc, I'm just going through a phase where I want to workout at my own pace. This feels like a life altering moment, but let me further explain.
Yesterday, I mentioned wanting to concentrate solely on circuit training. When I mean circuit training, I meant creating my own circuits. I mentioned doing this during my break over the holidays. Well, I have been enjoying this haphazardly, do-it-my-self, go-at-my-own-pace freedom just a little too much. I'm not giving up video fitness forever--more like a hiatus--but this seems to be the beginning of a new stage in the fitness aspect of my everyday life: fitness independence. No classes, no trainer, no instructional videos--just me!
I've been using the format of JNL Fusion to set up most of my circuits: a 30-second strength interval, followed by a 30-second cardio interval, with a total of 3 rounds per circuit. I've also dabbled a little bit with the format of the Weider X-Factor ST program: 30-second interval, followed by a 45-second interval and then completed with a 90-second interval. I did, however, make some adjustments with this one, opting to split the 90-second interval into a 60-second interval and a 30-second cardio interval. To make sense of this, here is what a circuit from each format would look like:
JNL-style circuit:
Strength - Tricep dips (30 seconds)
Cardio - Butt kicks (30 seconds)
repeat for a total of 3 rounds
Weider-style Circuit:
Strength - Crunches (30 seconds)
Strength - Bicep curls (45 seconds)
Strength - Alternating forward lunges (60 seconds)
Cardio - Tuck jumps (30 seconds)
repeat rounds as many times as desired (I usually perform this circuit from anywhere to 2-3 rounds)
I allow for 5-second rest periods in between intervals and rounds to give me enough time to get ready for the next move, but the short break period allows me to keep my heart rate up and my muscles to fatigue faster. For the JNL-style circuit, if I want to up the challenge, I increase the strength portion to 60 seconds per interval. For my interval timer, I use to the Seconds Pro Interval Timer on my iPad. Side note: I generally hate paying for apps, but this one has so many great features and modes, I say it is worth it the $5.
I plan to break down both of these formats in another post, but I'll sum up why I have opted to go this route. First off, it's fun; routines change all the time and there is no dread factor from repeating the same routine. I often peruse youtube and body rock (and similar sites) for ideas and for innovative moves I haven't tried before. Second, my heart rate is through the roof and I am burning calories like crazy! Third, it is challenging, constantly leaving my muscles guessing and with so many variations of strength moves (weighted and body weight) and cardio blasts at varying levels of intensity, I can never truly outgrow the workouts.
I think my other reasoning for doing this is that I am underwhelmed with the video fitness market as of late. There are no new workouts that have caught my eye--well, I am eying those new Toniques and the new Atleticas don't look shabby either, but I think I can hold off on not purchasing those for awhile. This is odd coming from a person use to buy new workouts faster than she would change her underwear--I'm hygienic, before you get any funny ideas!--but now I just want to take the minimalist approach. Of course, how long will this minimalist approach last...?
Enjoy the upcoming weekend! Cheers!
Ha! Enjoyed your post. I went through a similar phase years ago and have not been able to stick to a rotation since. The longest I can go is about 45 days, then I get tired of someone telling me what to do.
Enjoy your break!
Thanks! It is kind of liberating to not have to worry about rotating videos and doing it on my own, but since my record is maybe 4 weeks tops, my mind will eventually wander to the newest, shiniest thing I see.
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