Friday, February 1, 2013

(Refined) Carb-free February

 Blogger note: this is part 1 in a series where I participate in a monthly diet and/or exercise challenge as part of a journey to improve my health.

I know what you are thinking: are you going on the Atkins diet or some sort of similar ketogenic diet?  Well, not quite -- I am not that extreme!  What I am doing, however, is pledging to go refined carb-free for the next 28 days (I am so glad this is the shortest month of the year!).

So what are refined carbohydrates again?  At this point, I would like to assume most of you know this (and are in denial about it -- hey, I am), but in layman's terms they are the"bad" carbs.  They are the carbs that make us fat.  Here is a list of the most delicious, yet unfriendly-to-your-waistline carbohydrates that I am cutting out for this month:

  • Sweeteners: sugars, artificial sweeteners, high frutose corn syrup, etc.
  • Bottled and canned beverages: soda, fruit juices, those funky-ass kid drinks, etc. 
  • White flour products:freaking bread!
  • Processed fruits and vegetables with additives.
None of this for the month of February.  I weep for my poor soul!

 The list could go on forever, but you get the idea of what constitutes a "bad" carb.

At the height of low-carb diet mania, people lost focus of the reality that carbohydrates are a very broad food group, which also includes many nutritionally dense ones, aka the complex carbs.  While I understand that some people cut out all carbohydrates  for quicker results, I do believe in eating complex carbs (the "good" carbs) and will be keeping these in my diet.  Complex carbs mainly entail fruits, veggies, legumes whole wheat foods, etc, and while I personally am very picky with commercial food items claiming to be whole wheat, many "super" foods like sweet potatoes and lentils are things I never leave out of my diet. 

So basically, I am spending the next 28 days pretending baguettes don't exist and that I actually like my coffee black.  God have mercy on us all. 

Have a good weekend!  Cheers! 

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