Sunday, November 27, 2011

Switching Metas

I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays!  I know I stuffed myself pretty well, but I have to say that I wasn't as bad as previous years.

While taking in some R&R over the holiday break and trying to catch up on my exercising, I made a recent decision about switching Metas. 

I am closing in on finishing the first 10 days (I know, it's been forever) and instead of continuing with Hipcentric, I decided to move on to Abcentric.  It seems Tracy's body type calculator agrees with me. 

For those of you unfamiliar with Metamorphosis (Meta for short), the first 10 days are the same across the board.  Therefore, I won't have to worry about falling behind or losing any gains. 

With the exception of Glutecentric (I have a nice ass...not to brag or anything), I could probably complete any of the other Metas and yield good results.  I notice a lot of people tend to fret over making the right decision for what Meta to get.  Personally, I think the exercise sequences from each of the programs are similar enough that it doesn't matter that much.  Maybe with the exception of a few cases, most people who follow the program and maintain a good diet will get desired results, regardless of what Meta they are using.

So why then am I moving to Abcentric?  It has nothing to do with aesthetics as much as it has to do with needing to gain core strength.  Even during my heavy lifting days, I always struggled with core strength.  Again, all the Metas have a good amount of core strength and stabilizing exercises, but I think Abcentric will give me that extra boost.

As the holiday season kicks into full gear, I am hoping to use to get an extra head start on my NY's resolutions.  As we all know, I faltered greatly from this year's resolutions.  I am hoping next year's resolutions will fare better. 

Anyway, Monday approaches and it's time to get some zzz's.  Have a good week!

1 comment:

Amanda G. Harp, M.A. said...

I wish you the best in your fitness goals (no matter the Meta!) I'm writing to ask if you would post about my dissertation.

While it's hard losing weight on your own, it's not necessarily easier with a spouse or partner. Sometimes partners/spouses undermine weight loss through acts like complaining about healthier food, gifting high-caloric foods, or even through abusive language/acts. I'm creating an anonymous, online survey to assess for partner undermining and to learn more from those who experience it.

To be eligible to take the survey, participants need to have experienced this in their current relationship (of at least the past 2 years), and have been participating in a weight loss program for the past 5 consecutive weeks. For more info, see or Google PUBS-WL.