Friday, December 30, 2011

January Rotation

With one day left before 2011 is over, it is time to get myself back into fitness mode.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

New Year's resolutions

Okay, it's that time of the year again.  You know what I am talking about.

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Taking it easy for the holidays

I was out of state last week, visiting my grandmother, and am currently chillaxing at la casa de mis padres.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Why I am holding back on the new P90x

For all you Beachbody fans, Tony Horton affcionados and all those who brought it by completing a round of P90x are likely salivating at the moment: the new P90x:MC2 is arriving in mailboxes across the country.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

The Snob Diet

Even though I don't like to admit it, I too read other fitness/nutrition blogs.  I know.  It blows my cover as the foremost fitness junkie in all the land, but nobody is perfect.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Taking a break from rotations

It seems I cannot complete a fitness goal, no matter how hard a I try.

Sunday, November 27, 2011

Switching Metas

I hope everyone enjoyed their holidays!  I know I stuffed myself pretty well, but I have to say that I wasn't as bad as previous years.

While taking in some R&R over the holiday break and trying to catch up on my exercising, I made a recent decision about switching Metas. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Why I make my food ahead of time

I'm pretty much all or nothing when it comes to preparing food.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Music playlists for the week

Hi all!  I've been so crazy busy with moving and doing behind-the-scenes work for a performance, that I've neglected doing Meta consistently.  Today will officially be my first work!

I know, I know...this is like the 5th time I have started this program, but I am pledging to myself to make no more excuses.  Click below to check out my weekly music playlists.

Friday, October 28, 2011

Quick update

It's been a hectic week and unfortunately I did not get to use Meta as much as I originally planned...

Monday, October 24, 2011

Meta Playlist: Week 1 for Dance Cardio workout

These aren't my favorite songs or artists, but they are motivating enough to get me dancing for a solid 30 minutes.

Meta Playlist: Week 1 for Muscular Structure workouts

Since it is criminally wrong to do a Tracy Anderson MS workout without electronic music, here is my list of this week's playlist for week 1/level 1 of Metamorphosis Hipcentric.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Quick pre-Metamorphosis update

For those of you following this blog, I've added a page, which should be viewable in the upper right-hand corner of this blog, to track my progress for my 90 days of doing Tracy Anderson's metamorphosis.

I plan to use this tool for future systems and programs to help keep me accountable.  Let the countdown begin!

Friday, October 21, 2011

I must admit my shortcomings and move on

So after ranting and raving about my fat ass, I think it's time I move forward and be realistic about my upcoming fitness plans.

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

The inevitable has happened....

...I have gained weight--and I mean a lot of weight.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

A non-fitness blog post

Hello all.  As you may know, I'm stuck in these transitional phase and I'm doing that thing called...what is it again?  Ah yes, finding myself.  Anyway, in the midst of finding myself I'm currently doing work for a small, but wonderful performing arts nonprofit in Chicago.

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Saturday, September 10, 2011

A wake up call for my diet

Lately I have noticed that I've been having problems digesting indulgent foods.  Every time I enjoy a splurge meal or a treat, I become extremely ill.

Tuesday, August 30, 2011

Starting over

So today was the first day I had exercised in 3 months.

Wednesday, August 24, 2011

The accidental expert on celebrity fitness

Hello my fellow fitness junkies.  It has been so long that my keyboard was starting to collect dust.  Yes, life continues to keep me away from my passions, but I haven't thrown in the towel just yet.

While reacquainting myself with this blog, I noticed something odd about where I was receiving hits from.

Sunday, August 7, 2011

"Social Media Sundays" and other updates

If you haven't already noticed, my blogging has lagged considerably this summer.  The same could be applied to my exercise efforts as well.

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

I must confess...

...I have not worked out at all these past few weeks.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Confession: I hate planks

Hate is such a strong word and is often used in an exaggerated manner.  It is rare that the feelings evoked during pure hatred manifest when a person proclaims they "hate" something or someone.

And yet I hate planks.

Friday, June 10, 2011

Solving the economic my at-home gym

It is no secret I have been struggling with rotations and consistent workout schedules this past month or so, but yet I continue to buy more workouts, thinking it will be the solution.  To combat this, I have a plan that might work...or blow up in my face.

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

My fitness bucket list

The topic of bucket lists was brought up the other day on a fitness forum and it got me thinking about all the fitness-related activities I would love to try before I join that giant health club in the sky.

Sunday, June 5, 2011

The Farmer's Market is not my friend!

When I discovered the Farmer's Market last year, I was in absolute heaven.  Not only was the selection of fresh produce and artisan goods divine, but it kicked start my journey into clean and healthy eating.  Unfortunately, I cannot say the same for this year.

Monday, May 30, 2011

Where did the motivation go?

Even though it is (almost) summer, I just haven't found the motivation to workout (or blog).

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

OT: Anyone experiencing technical problems with blogger?

I'm just wondering if any of my fellow blogging amigos are experiencing any problems with blogger/blogspot?  I'm having a hard time gaining access to my dashboard at times and wondering if it is just me or the site in general?

If they keep this up, I may get a typepad account. ;)

Saturday, May 21, 2011

Rushfit: Strength & Endurance

I mentioned in yesterday's post that due to changes in my schedule, I will probably only get to do circuit training, heavy lifting and intensive cardio on the weekends.  Well TGIS because I just finished the Strength & Endurance workout from the Rushfit series and I must give praise where it is due.

Friday, May 20, 2011

Back in the arms of Tracy

It's no secret that I do enjoy a good ol' workout session with Tracy Anderson, but she was not supposed to be on the summer agenda.  Unfortunately, current life circumstances have changed my plans (yet again).

Sunday, May 15, 2011

Supreme 90 now on the summer workout docket

Let me start by saying that for $19.99+ taxes, how could you not invest in the Supreme 90 system?

Thursday, May 5, 2011

The making of a Norse God

Just one more day until I get to see Chris Hemsworth shirtless! Pics inside, ladies...

Sunday, May 1, 2011

An awesome graduation gift to myself

Having just finished graduate school and reaping the monetary rewards that comes with such accomplishments (Thanks for the check, Grandma!), I went ahead and treated myself to a fitness item I have been eying for quite some time: an adjustable dumbbell set.

Friday, April 29, 2011

On my own

Taking a cue from Zuzana of Body Rock fame, I am started to venture out on my own and create my own workouts.

Sunday, April 24, 2011

It was just one of those weeks

Have you ever been through such a stressful week that you couldn't get much done, including your normal fitness regiment?

Monday, April 18, 2011

I fear I may never become an AM exerciser

 It is currently a quarter past 5am.  While many early birds are getting up to start their morning workout--or close to waking up from their nightly slumber--I haven't even hit the sheets yet.

Saturday, April 16, 2011

Warming up to Cathe

When I become a card carrying member of vidiotism and vidiocracy, I ran the the gamut of many well-known instructors out there.  If you were to list the names of all the well-known instructors in the video fitness industry, chances are I tried one of his or her workouts at least once.

 One particular instructor who alluded me was the mythical Cathe Friedrich.  You see, despite the fact that she has been a 20+ year veteran in the industry and markets a genre that normally appeals to me, something about her just didn't click with me.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

It's Christmas all over again

I love being a member of an online forum dedicated to video fitness (.com).  Besides all the great advice, hints and tips, and interesting people, the best part is getting to trade for DVDs you want...and purging yourself of all the ones you regret buying.

Sunday, April 10, 2011

It's absolutely criminal!

As of right now, it is about 79 degrees in Chicago, sunny weather and all, and I'm stuck inside.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Take me to the Asylum!

April 18th cannot come soon enough for us fitness junkies who love to workout to the point of collapsing in a puddle of our sweat.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

The cult of barre

If you had asked me six or seven months if I would ever be interested in barre workouts, I would have laughed in your face.  If it didn't involve heavy weights, high intensity, and exhausting myself to the point of puking, it wasn't worth my time.

But oh, how the times have changed...

Saturday, April 2, 2011

Quinoa: Oh how I love thee

If there is a health food I can't stop singing the praises of, it would have to be quinoa.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Even fitness junkies suffer from bad habits sometimes

I know many people look to me as beacon of knowledge and wisdom when it comes fitness, but I must confess that I am only human too.

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Bikini season

As the weather slowly warms and the flora and fauna start to awaken from their winter slumber, the only thing that makes dread the otherwise lovely transition into to spring is all the talk about getting ready for bikini season.

Sunday, March 20, 2011

Giving Physique 57 a second chance

Have you ever tried to like a workout DVD, doing it 2 or 3 times before realizing it just isn't for you?  Or maybe you disliked it so much, you chucked it into the garbage can after 10 minutes?  Very few workouts have that affect on me (*ahem, Kettleworx), but ever-so-often, I find myself deeply disliking a workout.

 Last fall, I found myself jumping on and then quickly off the Physique 57 bandwagon.  I was initially glad to be rid of those DVDs, but recently, I found myself rethinking my opinions on P57.

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Circuit training has become a necessity for me

I love lifting heavy.  I enjoy a good yoga session.  I yearn for a sweaty, high impact cardio session.

But let's face it, as my life becomes more hectic (ugh, I don't want to talk about it), I have to find what is time efficient, quick and dirty, and gets the job done.

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Review: Metamorphosis by Tracy Anderson

Over a month ago, I pledged not to speak of Tracy Anderson or any of her products because of all the hoopla surrounding the release of her newest program, Metamorphosis.  At the time, I was overcome by hype that I must have spoken nonstop about Tracy Anderson.  Now that the smoke has subsided and the chatter has died down, I think I can now give an objective review of Metamorphosis.

Sunday, March 6, 2011

My final say on rotations

It's only March, and I have already had the worst luck with exercise rotations this past year.  One minute I am pledging to do 4-week rotations, the next minute I'm whittling that down to two, and then after that I see a new product I like....well, you get the picture.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Fitness and horror cinema: an unlikely duo

I thought I'd share something that made me laugh recently.  We already know what a slave I am to the fitness industry, but for those of you who don't know me beyond this blog, I'm also a fan of horror films.

My first fitness celebrity crush

I don't know if this post is conducive to my blog, or if I should leave it for a "dear diary" entry, but I feel the need to get this off my chest.  Normally, I have a thing for non-conventionally good-looking actors with a foreign twist (hello Thomas Kretschmann...), but I recently started an infatuation a fascination with one of America's most well-known fitness models: Clark Bartram.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Behind on the blogging

Hello my lovely readers.  You know who you are, and no worries, no one has to know that you read this blog.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

I'm now technologically hip

For years, I had always been behind the times, technologically speaking.  This weekend changed all that, as I became the proud parent of a Droid 2...which means access to an unlimited amount of useless and time-consuming apps, and potentially losing the ability to socialize properly. Oh, the downfalls of technology.

Saturday, February 12, 2011

Thursday, February 10, 2011

Puzzle Mats rock my socks...and my bare feet!

Recently, I have been reading a lot about the issue of what is better for our feet: orthopedic shoes or just going barefoot?

Friday, February 4, 2011

Alas! I have found you, Sylwia!

Back in July, I purchased all the Tonique workouts as downloads, but never really gave them much thought.  At the time, my attention was on Chalean Extreme and Turbo Fire.

 When my computer crashed over a month ago, I scrambled to find all my workout downloads.  I was able to recover almost all of them, but I thought I had lost Tonique Mat forever.

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

I feel stormy weather moving in

I'm in the midst of a terrible snowstorm--perhaps one of the worst Chicago has seen in recent years--but I'm not worried.  Fitness junkies and vidiots alike know how to prepare for such things.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

New rotation (and one that I plan to actually stick to)

This probably seems cumbersome, but I think I can finally stick to a rotation.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Weekend updates

I just came back from a day of splurging on some yummy food, but now it is time to get back on track.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Only 5 more days...

...until my Metamorphosis program arrives!

Sunday, January 23, 2011

Review: Lebert Equalizer

Despite some major setbacks in my family life (I might share later on the other blog), I have so many things to look forward to in my own little world of fitness.  The new Tracy Anderson Metamorphosis program should be shipping this week, and first thing tomorrow morning, I start a new rotation that includes circuit training with my Lebert Equalizers.

My new take on rotations

With a little help from the alcohol in my system, I have been able to make some clarity out of my current rotation problem.  Yes, that's right....alcohol makes you smarter!  Duh!

Friday, January 21, 2011

I'm weak and lack willpower

I'm sure this comes as no surprise to anyone, but I caved and purchased Tracy Anderson's Metamorphosis program.  Instead of being upset with myself, I have just come to accept that impulsivity, particularly when it comes to purchasing fitness-related items, is my downfall.

I hate Tracy Anderson and Shaun T!

Ok, I don't really mean it when I say I hate them--I just lack willpower.  You see, both of them are conveniently releasing new material right around the same time I'm trying to stay focused about not buying any new exercise DVDs until June.  Aaarrggh!!!!

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

I feel a major case of DOMS on the way...

...and I have the TRX Suspension Trainer to thank for that.

Lebert Equalizers and rotation challenges

As I look to my left, a pair of beautiful, new Lebert Equalizers stand in my view.  Now only are they amazing, but they are shockingly light weight, easy to store, and extremely easy to assemble.  I am having a hard time wiping this goofy grin off my face every time I seem them, and quite frankly, I don't want to.

Monday, January 17, 2011

It shipped!

Brushing off the negativity of this morning's post and concentrating on the positive (it is resolution #6.1 after all), I just received some great news.

This is the last time I make New Year's resolutions!

I've been making New Year's resolutions for as long as I can remember.  As a kid, I did them because the adults told me so.  As an adult, I do them because of my childhood indoctrination.  Unfortunately, New Year's resolutions are just like Lent--unnecessary and pointless.

Friday, January 14, 2011

Late Night Inspiration

So I love, love, love, love, love, LOVE Turbo Fire!  Did I mention that I love Turbo Fire?  Ok, you get the point, but it's nice to see I'm not alone when it comes to my love affair with the best cardio conditioning program...on the planet!

While spending another late night session of perusing Youtube (Did I also mention I love the word perusing?), I found a really cool video.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

So far I am winning the battle...but have I won the war?

I'm only on day 3 of my 4-week rotation, but I have still managed to overcome the injury to my trapezius muscle and stay on schedule.

Sunday, January 9, 2011

My first rotation of the year

As promised, I am sharing with you my exercise rotation from January 10th-February 6th...

Screw my trapezius, I'm doing this anyway!

So after taking an afternoon nap and spending most of my day sitting around, mopping in pain, I decided to get out of my tiny studio apartment and clear my thoughts.


I think I have received a wave of bad karmic energy my way since blowing my #1 New Year's Resolution only six days into 2011.  Not only did I just blow my first New Year's , but I might have to postpone my other resolutions due to a recent injury to my trapezius and rhomboid muscles.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Rant: Only 6 days into the New Year...

...and I already broke my number one fitness resolution.  I guess this is one of the downfalls of being a vidiot.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

Musings in 2011

As briefly touched upon in yesterday's post, 2011 will be the year I plan to blog consistently.  You see, I have been blogging since 2004, but I've never had the motivation to stay on track.  My 2010 odyssey into health and fitness has not only given me something to be passionate about, but FINALLY, a reason to blog.

Monday, January 3, 2011

Happy New Year!

Edit: I just realized I have 11 New Year's Resolutions, and repeated #6 twice!

As clichéd as it may sound, I am starting 2011 with a list of fitness-oriented resolutions.   Just like previous years, I made similar lists and failed to come through.  Why is this year any different?  I am changing my outlook as to what fitness means to me.