Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Only 5 more days...

...until my Metamorphosis program arrives!

I finally received notice that my Metamorphosis program from Tracy Anderson is on it's way.  It should be arriving next Monday.  *does a little jig in the comfort of my apartment*

It seems some of my compatriots over at and on TA's facebook page have been noting problems with ordering online, receiving order confirmations, and getting a hold of customer service.  Understandably, Tracy and Co. are probably working out some kinks with the revamping of her website and her company; however, she has such a loyal following and constant hype surrounding her every move, therefore, I think her people should have been better prepped for this.

I'm not going to complain, though, and only think positive thoughts.  I figure if I concentrate too much on the negative, I'll send bad juju into the universe, and my order will arrive *gasp* two weeks late!

Ok, I only kid, but in the meantime, I'll have to find other things to keep my mind busy.

Have a happy hump day!

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