It is currently a quarter past 5am. While many early birds are getting up to start their morning workout--or close to waking up from their nightly slumber--I haven't even hit the sheets yet.
Understandably, I am less than two weeks away from finishing my semester and have been plagued by many projects, papers, exams, etc. I am also in the midst of a job search since my current University position will be finished shortly after the semester ends. While I am getting closer to many of my personal and professional goals, my fitness goals are taking a major hit.
For the life of me, I am worried I will never be able to become a morning person, let alone a morning fitness junkie. Just the thought of doing a workout in the morning is making me shudder. Okay, that is a lie--I actually love sunrises more than sunsets. I also love the serene atmosphere at dawn, just before daily chaos ensues. The problem is I cannot get myself on schedule to be up and ready to break into a sweat in the morning.
For as long as I can remember, I have been the quintessential night owl. I do some of my best work late-night and in the wee hours of the morning. I also get my best inspiration while staying up uber late. I have had some great brainstorming sessions and have been able to gain clarity from many of problems while putting off slumber. Plus, for some odd reason, I always suffer from FOMO (fear of missing out) if I go to bed too early. What am I missing out on? Beats me...
Of course, there were also some traumatic experiences as a child that lead me to my current night owl ways. You see, my terribly cruel parents use to make me go to bed anywhere from 7-8:30pm. This was especially traumatizing to me since a.) many of my peers were allowed to go to bed later and b.) it's still freakin' daylight around that time in the summer! I'm pretty sure I heard kids playing in the streets while lying in bed. My night owl habits grew out of an angst-ridden rebellion against my parents. So why am I still rebelling at 25?
I have read studies that claim working out in the PM (afternoon or early evening) is actually better because we are at our strongest in the afternoon and our thresholds are at peak levels. In other words, we perform better when we opt to workout in the PM. While I don't necessarily disagree with those statements, I also think AM exercise has benefits. Besides the fact that some studies have indicated the morning workouts are beneficial for boosting metabolism, I just think I could get a better grip on my hectic life if I exercised in the AM instead.
Let's be honest, I am a control freak. I organize and compartmentalize everything. And I mean everything! If I could just get myself on am AM workout schedule, I feel I could regain some control over my schedule. While I feel great and energized in the PM, working out later does cut into other activities. I don't mind missing a TV show, but how the hell am I going to get my laundry done or go grocery shopping? Yes, there is always later, but I hate doing things later. Call me stubborn as a mule, but I'm all about NOW, and not later.
Obviously, these behavioral patterns don't change overnight. As the expression goes, Rome wasn't built in a day, and it seems neither will my AM exercise schedule be. I guess I will have to make slow, steady changes to achieve morning workout glory. I'm thinking once the burnout of grad school is over and I go through a fresh, new chapter in my life, I can start working on these habits.
In the meantime, it will be another 8 or 9pm workout later today. Cheers to all of you early birds!

Understandably, I am less than two weeks away from finishing my semester and have been plagued by many projects, papers, exams, etc. I am also in the midst of a job search since my current University position will be finished shortly after the semester ends. While I am getting closer to many of my personal and professional goals, my fitness goals are taking a major hit.
For the life of me, I am worried I will never be able to become a morning person, let alone a morning fitness junkie. Just the thought of doing a workout in the morning is making me shudder. Okay, that is a lie--I actually love sunrises more than sunsets. I also love the serene atmosphere at dawn, just before daily chaos ensues. The problem is I cannot get myself on schedule to be up and ready to break into a sweat in the morning.
For as long as I can remember, I have been the quintessential night owl. I do some of my best work late-night and in the wee hours of the morning. I also get my best inspiration while staying up uber late. I have had some great brainstorming sessions and have been able to gain clarity from many of problems while putting off slumber. Plus, for some odd reason, I always suffer from FOMO (fear of missing out) if I go to bed too early. What am I missing out on? Beats me...
Of course, there were also some traumatic experiences as a child that lead me to my current night owl ways. You see, my terribly cruel parents use to make me go to bed anywhere from 7-8:30pm. This was especially traumatizing to me since a.) many of my peers were allowed to go to bed later and b.) it's still freakin' daylight around that time in the summer! I'm pretty sure I heard kids playing in the streets while lying in bed. My night owl habits grew out of an angst-ridden rebellion against my parents. So why am I still rebelling at 25?
I have read studies that claim working out in the PM (afternoon or early evening) is actually better because we are at our strongest in the afternoon and our thresholds are at peak levels. In other words, we perform better when we opt to workout in the PM. While I don't necessarily disagree with those statements, I also think AM exercise has benefits. Besides the fact that some studies have indicated the morning workouts are beneficial for boosting metabolism, I just think I could get a better grip on my hectic life if I exercised in the AM instead.
Let's be honest, I am a control freak. I organize and compartmentalize everything. And I mean everything! If I could just get myself on am AM workout schedule, I feel I could regain some control over my schedule. While I feel great and energized in the PM, working out later does cut into other activities. I don't mind missing a TV show, but how the hell am I going to get my laundry done or go grocery shopping? Yes, there is always later, but I hate doing things later. Call me stubborn as a mule, but I'm all about NOW, and not later.
Obviously, these behavioral patterns don't change overnight. As the expression goes, Rome wasn't built in a day, and it seems neither will my AM exercise schedule be. I guess I will have to make slow, steady changes to achieve morning workout glory. I'm thinking once the burnout of grad school is over and I go through a fresh, new chapter in my life, I can start working on these habits.
In the meantime, it will be another 8 or 9pm workout later today. Cheers to all of you early birds!
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