Thursday, December 8, 2011

Why I am holding back on the new P90x

For all you Beachbody fans, Tony Horton affcionados and all those who brought it by completing a round of P90x are likely salivating at the moment: the new P90x:MC2 is arriving in mailboxes across the country.

Like anyone else who is a slave to Beachbody products, I too am anxious for it and can't wait for the reviews to start rolling in.  Surprisingly though, this will be the first time in a long time that I will not be jumping on the bandwagon so fast.

Besides the monetary issue ($120.00 for just the basic package!), I have to learn that jumping the gun on new releases isn't solving anything or fulfilling any need besides quick instant gratification.   And let's face it, when have I ever finished a rotation?

The packaging looks tempting, but I must resist for now.
 Hell, I haven't even touched a rotation of P90x 1.0!  How I can expect to do the newest one?

 Apart of me wants to hang my head in shame, but another part tells me it's okay and that it's not the end of the world.

Although I despise making New Year's resolutions I cannot keep, I plan to break my cycle of excuses and weakness and make 2012 the year of rotations.  I own the DVDs and most of the workout equipment, so why continue to make the excuses?   

Anyway, I am anxiously awaiting the new reviews and can handle holding off on purchasing the new P90x for awhile.  Besides, P90x has been around since 2004, so it's like it is going anywhere anytime soon.  If I can manage a rotation of the original sometime in early 2012, I forsee getting MC2 around my birthday in September.

Oh, the anticipation!  


1 comment:

Fit and fab mom said...

I am so trying not to buy any new workouts. I got dozens of them at home