Disclaimer: I changed the title of this thread and edited some portions. The title was a bit immature and did not help get my point across; however, I still stand by my opinions.
Back in the spring, I found the Kettleworx six week program on sale at Sports Authority and thought I'd give it a try. While the 20 lb kettlebell that came with the program was a quality-made product, I found myself selling the DVD set on Craigslist. I wasn't really sure what exactly it was that made me dislike the program, but after perusing the Kettleworx website recent, it finally downed on me...Kettleworx creator Ryan Shanahan grates my nerves.

Oh Ryan! Where in that poor woman's question did she mention anything about lacking sleep? Can't you just admit that your program is a load of crapola and this lady isn't seeing results because it simply isn't effective? I just love how you turn it around and presumptuously blame her lifestyle habits instead of addressing her need to tack on more exercise. By the way, where the hell did you get those facts about sleep? I don't think there is any point in asking since you are officially the king of pulling caca out of your ass and passing it off as fact.
I could go on about this guy, but I think the bashing stops here...for now. I will leaving with an image that will be etched into your brains...for eternity!
Ryan Shanahan wishes all of you sweet dreams!
Back in the spring, I found the Kettleworx six week program on sale at Sports Authority and thought I'd give it a try. While the 20 lb kettlebell that came with the program was a quality-made product, I found myself selling the DVD set on Craigslist. I wasn't really sure what exactly it was that made me dislike the program, but after perusing the Kettleworx website recent, it finally downed on me...Kettleworx creator Ryan Shanahan grates my nerves.
The program consisted of 6 various DVDs with 10 or 20 minute workouts (core, resistance, cardio, etc) that were suppose to be done 3 times a week for a total of 6 weeks. For me personally, this seems too little of time to get in an effective workout, but I thought the program, which came with an eating guide, would be a nice compliment to my regular rotation.
After doing the DVDs for a few short weeks, I found myself dreading them. Oddly enough, I was doing Insanity at the time, and yet Kettleworx workouts were the ones giving me the feeling of dread. How can 10-20 minute workouts have a dread factor to them?
First and foremost, the quality of the workouts were mediocre. The music and set had a level of cheesiness to them that was either an homage or a parody of 80s at-home workouts. Greg Smithey, Mr. Buns of Steel himself, would be so proud. The editing was also poorly done. Instead of filming an entire workout altogether, the workouts were filmed in segments and pasted together. There were many times when I would be doing separate workouts, but would run into the same segment over and over again. Oh, and not a single person in the videos knew how to count reps properly. It is kind of counterproductive to do 8 reps on one side, and 12 on the other. I'm just sayin.
On top of everything else, it was quite obvious that both Shanahan, who lead the videos, and his background exercisers knew very little about basic kettlebell movements. Some of the moves in the video were a visit to the chiropractor's office in the making.
And last and certainly not least, Ryan Shanahan is just plain damn annoying. I couldn't bear to hear him speak for much longer. From that creepy, pseudo-friendly grin glued to his face, to his annoyingly abrasive mannerisms that make Rachael Ray bearable, I just couldn't stand this guy.
If my dislike for him couldn't extend any further, I logged onto the Kettleworx website and was appalled to read his smug, prentious attitude towards any other company of individual who works with kettlebell fitness. According to the FAQ on the Kettleworx website:
- Women should lift no more than 10 lbs for kettlebells, while men should go no higher than 20 lbs (Psst, I could swing my 10 lb with my pinky finger).
- The creation of kettlebells is wrongly attributed to the Russians (ouch, I'm sure Pavel Tsatsouline is weeping in a corner somewhere).
- Any kettlebell advice outside of Kettleworx is just plain wrong (Wow, now I'm glad to have seen the error of my ways).
- Despite no certification or indication of his background in fitness training, Ryan Shanahan is the foremost leader of kettlebell training (No comment).
Read more here: http://www.kettleworx.com/faq.html
I'll admit to visiting the Kettleworx site occasionally for a good laugh. This recent question from a customer almost made me spit out my water. This is taken directly from the website:
Q – Hi Ryan…Quick question… I have been doing the cardio, resistance and core dvds, skipping a day in between…is that enough or should I be doing something else? I have started week 5 and do see some results but not sure if there is something I should be doing other than the bonus dvds to boost my weight loss. The scale is not moving. Any suggestions?
- Linda
- Linda
A – Thank you for your question Linda.
Making the easy effort to improve your quality of sleep will make a big difference in how you look, perform, and even age! When you sleep your brain recharges, your fat burning hormones balance, your immune system strengthens, and your muscles tone. Consistent sleep over the long-term has been linked to “successful” aging.
Lack of sleep due to staying up watching TV until 1 am has these negative effects on your body:
Impacts your positive emotional mood.
Are you having a hard time dragging yourself off the couch to do a 20-minute KettleWorx workout? Most likely you had a short sleep the night before.
It only takes a SINGLE NIGHT of sleep loss for your body to increases systemic inflammation and impair your body’s ability to lose weight and tone muscles!
Might be why you’re not seeing your weight on the scale drop and/or lacking definition.
Sleep deprivation was a common torture tool in the USSR, and in extreme cases can cause death.
My cute and cuddly 3 week newborn baby boy may be a Russian Spy, because he is using that same torture technique on me and my wife.
How much sleep do you need to maximize Fat Loss and Muscle Toning? I understand the demands of being a parent and working hard. I know SIX hours of QUALITY shut eye is doable and effective. Most people think they can get by with less sleep but all they’re really doing is adapting to functioning at a lower cognitive level! We want KettleWorx peak performance level.
My Tips for getting 6 hours of Fat Burning Sleep:
1) Be in bed BEFORE midnight. Pre-midnight sleep equals 2 hours post-midnight sleep!
2) Turn off your TV and computer at least 1 hour before bed. The screen light messes with your body’s natural sleep inducing hormones.
3) Listen to a meditation track on your IPod. The deep breathing track can put you to sleep within 5 minutes.
2) Turn off your TV and computer at least 1 hour before bed. The screen light messes with your body’s natural sleep inducing hormones.
3) Listen to a meditation track on your IPod. The deep breathing track can put you to sleep within 5 minutes.
Make a pact to improve your sleep Monday – Friday. Try these techniques. And watch the numbers on the scale break your body weight plateau.
To Your Success,
Oh Ryan! Where in that poor woman's question did she mention anything about lacking sleep? Can't you just admit that your program is a load of crapola and this lady isn't seeing results because it simply isn't effective? I just love how you turn it around and presumptuously blame her lifestyle habits instead of addressing her need to tack on more exercise. By the way, where the hell did you get those facts about sleep? I don't think there is any point in asking since you are officially the king of pulling caca out of your ass and passing it off as fact.
I could go on about this guy, but I think the bashing stops here...for now. I will leaving with an image that will be etched into your brains...for eternity!
Ryan Shanahan wishes all of you sweet dreams!
That "answer" is just... bizarre.
And that photo is just plain disturbing. [Shudders]
Lmao! I don't know what was funnier: revisiting the absurdity of Ryan Shanahan, or your reaction.
I'll fuck you up, bitch.
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